Tuesday, July 2, 2024

 Good Mourning !

Just letting you know about my up-dates , I have started to really sell my book Phyllis the Invisible child . It is available on Amazon for 12.99 in black and white and 16.99 for colour. If you order one for me I will sing it for you…you may also go on google and see my video’s ,

I want to thank all the people who have been helping me with sales of the book , especially Gail Roach.

Friday, April 26, 2024

helloooooo lol

 hey everybody, what’s up? How you been? I am presently in Quebec visiting my sister for a week And my daughter, having fun with my granddaughter and her partner . Why don’t you write me and write a few lines what’s up ! 

Monday, January 29, 2024

I'am Back.......

 Hello Every one !

I know it's been a long time since I posted ...Let's see what's been up ? 

My Grand-daughters are all getting older my youngest is 18 can you believe it , the next one is 10 and the last one is 9. Where has time gone . 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023

 Hey every one 

My book is out … it’s called Phyllis The Invisible Child . You may purchase it on Amazon .

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

- Hello Everyone !!!!

I know it's been years since I have updated this Blog, However I was in a Vehicle Collision in the summer of  2018,

Thank you for sticking with me ....I will try to update this blog every week...Updates are ,My book Phyllis the invisible child is on Amazon for purchase and kindle is free...If you contact me I also have copies.

If you would like me to contact you please email : phyllisbarneslawlor@gmail.com or 

call 519-365-7568

See you soon.

Phyllis Barnes Lawlor


Friday, December 8, 2017

“Invisible Child”

Author Biography

Phyllis Barnes Lawlor

Author of “Invisible Child” - a memoir of her childhood living with a schizophrenic mother.

Born in a suburb of Montreal, Phyllis, along with  her siblings, spent much of their childhood in and out of foster homes and orphanages. They moved twenty-eight times before Phyllis was ten years old and often the family was separated for months at a time.

Phyllis, with her husband of twenty-five years, Wayne, now live in Chatham, Ontario. She is a Kinship Grandmother to her three special needs grandchildren with ages ranging from twelve to three years. She works in customer service with a local company using her bilingual skills of both French and English.

Her life is very full but she still finds time for charity work. For two years, Phyllis volunteered in a women's shelter. She moved on to become a Victims Service Officer, where she helps people and families dealing with domestic abuse both on the telephone and face to face.
She is also deeply involved with her local church and founded the non profit group 'God's Kids of Chatham-Kent'. It is in the early stages, but the goal is to create a 24/7 open house with a warm atmosphere and home cooking where teens and young adults can come and find a safe haven to talk and receive counselling.  If you would like to find out more about that group you can find their page at  http://gods-kids.blogspot.ca/

Phyllis was saved at the age of 20, and since then she has had the desire to help and tell her story. Before that, it was too painful and from the years of healing, she is much stronger. In August  2012. she appeared on the 700 Club Show. This was the start of her devotion to open up and talk candidly about her experiences and life, however, this just scratches the surface of her story and she feels there is much more that needs to be said.

Her book, “Invisible Child” depicts the abuse she endured during her childhood and adolescence  and the  consequences of that upbringing, God saved her from falling down the same route that so many other children will and have followed after such a traumatic upbringing. Through sheer determination, Phyllis has been able to break the cycle. She even found it in her heart to forgive her mother, even after the years of torment, and they managed to create a loving relationship before her mother died.

Using her experiences, and with the help and love of her family and God, Phyllis is keen to give her empathy and help others. She hopes that one day her words will touch other victims and help them to realise that this is not their burden to carry. She wants to give them the knowledge that they are beautiful and special. To help them see through the scars to the diamond they are underneath.
Because of her desire to mentor, she is keen to meet any requirements necessary to promote her story and reach out to as many people as possible. Her passion for helping others is apparent as soon as you meet her. She hopes the proceeds of the book sales will give her the freedom to dedicate more time to reaching her goal to counsel those who have a suffered similar life.